Pure Joy... * Every night when I put S. to bed, I kiss her cheeks, and hug her tight. She giggles, and says, "nother hug, mom," and giggles harder. I give her another hug, and more kisses on the cheeks, she coninues to giggle, "nother hug, mom." I give her another hug, and more kisses, while she laughs, her contagious child bubbly giggle. I say, "one more time." I hug her and kiss her again, all the while she is laughing. It's pure joy. * She says, "fisk," for fix. As in, "mom, can you fisk this." * She says, "rupted," for interrupted. As in, "mom, E. rupted me again." * Priceless. :) * And, for some reason, my blog will no longer let me seperate paragraphs. I try to seperate them, and indent them, then I push publish, and it all squishes together. Any suggestions on how to "fisk" that? :) :) :) * It's been a long week of teaching. Meetings everyday. Correcting non-stop. Politics from the politicians, and just about everyone else to boot. Stress. :) * Good thing for my girls. They light up my life. I love them so.
Sweet. Hope the rest of your week goes quickly!